Developed from the reality of Brazilian coffee culture, for the farmer who seeks greater daily production with great efficiency in the harvest.
High efficiency of the shakerThe KTR 3500 shaking system has a robust design and is produced with quality materials. The electronic control system ensures constant vibration regardless of the size of the plant. This allows the coffee grower to harvest with an efficiency of greater than 97% and up to 35% greater than other harvesters on the market.
Low coffe loss rateThe collector system, with a minimum height of 260 mm and the camera system to facilitate the alignment of the trunks and the height of the machine, allow the maximum amount of coffee to be collected, minimizing losses to the ground, which can be up to 62% less than other harvesters in the market.
New tank - Harvest without stoppingThe new KTR 3500 was developed with a coffee tank with an effective capacity of 476 gallons that guarantees greater yield to the harvester, as it discharges the stored coffee without interrupting the harvesting operation, increasing its operational efficiency.
Perfect tilt adjustmentThe new KTR 3500 harvester was developed to operate on land with up to 20% slope, ensuring high efficiency and safety, enabling greater use of mechanized harvesting and reducing costs.